Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Suggestions, Do's and Dont's

Last weekend I was told I should write a blog on Corking Fees but instead I figured creating Facebook Etiquette 101 would be much more entertaining. Please feel free to add and amend this…
  1. If you have just requested to add someone to your network (Add as Friend), that you used to know and it may be questionable if they remember you. It would be appropriate that you send an e-message to them just in case they do not remember you. Doing this while requesting to add them is ideal, if not at least within a few days, after they accepted your request. This is not a popularity contest; do not request to add us unless you plan to communicate with us. If we do not know you, a simple “Hi” would be nice.
    1. This also applies if you do not have a facebook profile picture posted.
    2. Or have little to no information completed in your Info tab. If you do not know what that tab is, stop requesting friends NOW. Go join/back to myspace.
    3. Familiarized yourself with the Info Tab, most questions you have for your new facebook friend may be answered there.
  2. If you are intending to remark on someone’s status or picture post, do so by Commenting NOT by creating a new wall post. Below their status or picture post there is a “Comment – Like” click on Comment. When remarking as a Wall Post instead as a Comment it is especially annoying when the Status/Picture has gone through several comment/replies and has evolved. Doing so, will maximize communication while minimizing clicks.
    1. It is common courtesy that posted comments are related. For example, if the thread is about a picture of a car and five other people have commented on the picture about the car, while you write, “Hey Bob, it’s been a long time how are ya?” Doing this is as rude as jumping in a group conversation and completely changing the topic. Moreover, announcing it to everyone. Keep in mind that “Hey Bob…” comment may have sent notification to all five of the people on that thread.
    2. This common sense posting, applies in reverse as well. If your comment reply does not relate to others already posted, do it elsewhere.
    3. This will save others already in the thread of unnecessary read.
  3. Post photos right side up
  4. Do not get offended when we do not accept your Friend Suggestion. Just because we have similar backgrounds does not mean we want to share our books with you.
  5. Change your password from time to time; it will decrease the likelihood that your account will phish others, especially for those that enjoy facebook applications.
  6. Post a head shot at least once, as a profile picture, hence “FACEbook”. Then you can repost whatever you like, at least this will allow people in your network to scroll through to see at least one picture of your mug shot.
Although the list thus far may sound standoffish, this is a social networking site, it is meant to be fun and effective communication.